Jelena Popov

Jelena Popov
Teaching experience:
Lecturer in Teaching, UCL Institute of Education, London (2021 – ongoing)
- Module leader on online MPhil/PhD Education programme: ‘Quantitative Data Analysis’, ‘Qualitative Data Analysis’ and ‘Research Methods in Education’.
- Module leader for ‘How people learn’ (1st year undergraduate module open to Education Studies, Psychology with Education, Social Science BSc students) and module leader for ‘Creativity and Education’ (3rd year undergraduate module open to all UCL students).
- Supervising students’ research projects, undergraduate dissertations, and carrying out examinations of PhD and EdD students for upgrade to PhD.
- Senior Teaching Fellow (2018 – 2021)
- Module leader for ‘How people learn’ and ‘Creativity and Education’ modules.
- Teaching Fellow (2017 – 2018)
- Seminar leader on modules ‘Introduction to Education Studies’ (BA Education studies) and ‘Interdisciplinary Qualitative Research Methods’ (BA Arts and Sciences) modules. Personal tutor.
Research experience:
- Researcher on “The Future of Artificially Intelligent Examination: The Users view on the PTE Test of English”, UCL, London (Nov 2021 – Dec 2022)
- Designing instruments, carrying out online interviews, and overseeing RedCap Surveys. Analysing data and drafting a report and other outputs.
- Researcher on “Skills, Knowledge, Artificial Intelligence and Labour” (SKAIL) project, UCL, London (Oct 2020 – Mar 2021.
- Literature review of two research areas: articles reporting the challenges and opportunities associated with the application of AI in a variety of professions (e.g. healthcare, education) and articles discussing the technology-mediated learning at work (e.g. sociomaterial, distributed cognition and activity theory approaches).
- Researcher on “Guidance of Adult Learning (GOAL)” project, UCL, London (Nov 2016 – Dec 2017.
- Part of the team that led a mixed-method evaluation study of adult education provision at national and regional levels across six European countries.
- Contributed to the development of the survey questionnaire for adult learning counsellors and data analysis, conducted online interviews with programme coordinators (policy-makers) in each country and led a focus group with the coordinators during the project team meeting.
- Contract Researcher, IPSOS MORI, London (Oct – Dec 2013.
- Designing instruments in the domain of large-scale European surveys.
- Policy Researcher, DG Education and Culture, The European Commission, Brussels (Mar – Jul 2013)
- Carrying out cross-country evaluation on EU2020 benchmarks for six European Countries. Drafting country-specific chapters for the annual publication: ‘Education and Training Monitor 2013’
Leadership positions:
- Admissions, marketing and alumni lead, BA Education Studies, UCL, London (Sep 2018 – Sep 2020)
- Planning, designing and delivering admissions and marketing activities to raise the profile of the BA.
- Extensive collaboration with the rest of the Senior Leadership Team, senior faculty members (such as heads of department) and across UCL (such as UCL’s marketing and admissions team).
- Member of the working group on assessment and workload for the BA students.
- Member of the working group responsible for implementing online platforms in formative and summative assessment at UCL.
- PhD in Education, UCL Institute of Education, London (2013 – 2018)
- ESRC PhD Studentship (3 years) and Advanced Quantitative Methods Scholarship (3 years) grant code:
- Research topic: “Graduate transition to work: from qualifications and skills to ‘horizontal expertise’”.
- Mixed-method study combining large-scale survey data (REFLEX and PIAAC) and interview / focus group data
- MA Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management, Institute of Education, the University of London and University of Deusto, Spain (2011 – 2013.
- Graduated with Distinction
- European Commission grant to study on the MA programme (Erasmus Mundus)
- Dissertation: ‘Recognition of prior learning (RPL), experiential learning and problem of learning transfer’.
- BA, MSc (integrated) Cognitive and Developmental Psychology, University of Novi Sad, Serbia (2005 – 2010)
- Achieved 2.1. equivalent
- Dissertation in Experimental Psychopathology: The White Bear Effect: Scrambled Sentence test as a tool for screening for depression vulnerability?
Scholarship and award:
- Economic and Social Research Council (UK) PhD Studentship (2013 – 2016)
- Economic and Social Research Council (UK) Advanced Quantitative Methods stipend (2013 – 2016)
- Open Society Grant (2013-2014)
- European Commission Erasmus Mundus scholarship for MA studies (2011 – 2013)